
  1. - Guest Blogger Proud2Be Youth

    Proud2Be Youth Blogger | Kit

    Why we started an LGBT+ group in our school 2017 figures suggested that 1 in 25 British young people identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual. The Office for National Statistics described a โ€œstatistically significant increaseโ€ from previous years, amongst the general population but particularly amongst those aged 16 to... Read more
  2. - Totnes Pride

    Proud2Be Founders Totnes Pride 2017 Speech

    Max In writing this speech we decided to look at the themes that run through Proud2Be and its work over the last 6 years. Along with pride, community, love and celebration- one thing that stood out and the one I wanted to address today is the theme of sharing our personal and collective stories. Coming out is not a one-off... Read more
  3. - Guest Blogger

    Proud2Be Guest Blogger | Kim

    Out is the new in! Coming out. One of the most nerve wracking and darn scary events in life. Telling people who we really are is emotional, and frought. Telling family is tough. As a twentysomething I came out as Bi. It was horrendous! My familial relations took a severe knock. My Parents were devastated! I, and they never... Read more