Welcome to Proud2Be

Proud2Be is a grassroots queer-led social enterprise that supports and enables LGBTQIA+ people in Devon (and beyond) to thrive, be free, safe and proud to be ourselves; and to work with others to acknowledge and help dismantle systemic oppression.

We do this by:

Bringing our wonderful community together

We facilitate; regular in-person and online peer support groups and 121 support sessions for both adults and young people.

Increasing the visibility and voice of LGBTQIA+ people

We do this by hosting community events and running and supporting campaigns that focus on social issues that are important to us.

Supporting organisations to be LGBTQIA+ inclusive

We will work alongside your organisation by providing team training and consultancy that suits the needs of you and your team.

Proud2Be is Kind, Friendly, Respctful, Supportive, Welcoming, COnsistent, Caring, Open

Veronika Valigurská, Collections and Engagement Assistant at Torquay Museum

Thank you so much for your help with the LGBTQ+ trail. It would have been so much more difficult without your guidance and advice and you have just been such an amazing organisation to work with!

Veronika Valigurská, Collections and Engagement Assistant at Torquay Museum

Julie Wyman, Devon Counselling College

I just wanted to thank you for the workshop you ran for us on Saturday afternoon; it really got the learners thinking about gender and difference in general. What a fabulous and extremely connective way to present it – your openness and willingness to discuss each and every question that was raised was remarkable.

Julie Wyman, Devon Counselling College

Proud2Be Member

Over the past 5 years Proud2Be has helped me so much. They are an amazing team, and always inspire me! I am a lot more confident and am coming out as Trans+ slowly to my family. I am being a more authentic self, and am happier as I am being ME! I couldn’t have dreamed of that 5 years ago. Thank You Proud2Be!

Proud2Be Member

Cuthbert, Proud2Be Member

Proud2Be is an amazing forward thinking organisation, who are so inspiring and dynamic. They are all about inclusiveness, diversity and equality. They walk the walk with great enthusiasm! We recommend them and praise them for their great work!

Cuthbert, Proud2Be Member

Amelia Robinson, Colyton Grammar School

Everyone has been so positive about the training…many thanks again for your extremely valuable input, we really value our school being able to engage with such a fantastic organisation.

Amelia Robinson, Colyton Grammar School

Ange, Proud2Be Volunteer

Proud2Be has enabled me to gain confidence, meet some wonderfully supportive people, have fun, be encouraged to be who I am and to no longer feel isolated and alone. I am immensely grateful to Proud2Be for helping me to find my voice again, my purpose and enthusiasm for life, one where I am finally proud to be who I am.

Ange, Proud2Be Volunteer

National Diversity Awards Testimonial

Amazing organisation which seems to go from strength to strength. Support for LGBT people can be hard to find in rural areas, Proud2Be are doing amazing work in their local community, both in offering support and spreading awareness, tackling prejudice and campaigning.

National Diversity Awards Testimonial

Proud2Be Youth Member & Volunteer

After attending the youth group, I now volunteer with the Totnes Pride Action Group and was asked to speak on the Panel Discussion, which was a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness and give a voice to experiences of LGBT+ youth.

Proud2Be Youth Member & Volunteer

Ally, Proud2Be Volunteer

Proud2Be is one of the friendliest and most genuinely inclusive groups I have ever had the privilege of being involved with.

Ally, Proud2Be Volunteer

Alan Salt, Principal, King Edward VI Community College

Our students are fortunate to be part of a community where Proud2Be are actively helping people to come together and find positive and lasting solutions to change things for the better. They do this with knowledge, sensitivity, humour and tact.

Alan Salt, Principal, King Edward VI Community College

Jacqui Warne- Executive Head Teacher, Bidwell Brook

I have had quite a bit of feedback from staff who attended – all of it very positive. They found the training excellent and trainers positive, encouraging and inspiring.

Jacqui Warne – Executive Head Teacher, Bidwell Brook

Proud2Be Youth Group Member

Heading back to school for awards evening sporting my Proud2Be t-shirt, because if it weren’t for them there’s no way I’d have done as well as I did in exams, or as much as I did for LGBTQIA+ visibility and acceptance.

Proud2Be Youth Group Member

Proud2Be Member

Proud2Be provides an incredible space in which LGBTI folk can meet and find support. Their regular meetings have a range of activities so people can interact without pressure. Having craft activities gives icebreakers. The team are so good at making people feel welcome.

Proud2Be Member

Andrew Solomon

I am proud to be a patron of Proud2Be. The best weapon against prejudice is openness; every person who is open about who they are and who they love breaks the collective closet that has for so long immured LGBTQ people. That expands our ability to live our lives fully, to marry whom we wish, and to experience joy.

Andrew Solomon

Proud2Be Member

Proud2Be is an amazing organisation. They are really engaged with their communities and their social events manage to bring together the whole diversity within the LGBT community.

Proud2Be Member

Proud2Be Member

Proud2Be has given me a supportive network of friends and a safe place to be myself. They are so welcoming and infectiously happy all the time. I could not ask for a better group of people!

Proud2Be Member

Olivia Palmer, TedxTotnes 2015 Organiser

Max and Maya were a joy to work with. They were determined to deliver their message clearly and worked hard to develop an authentic and inspiring talk. As speakers they have a natural and engaging style and their talk was passionate, personal and clear. Their talk is unmissable!

Olivia Palmer, TedxTotnes 2015 Organiser

Year 9 student, Torquay Academy

Over the last year I have been growing more confident in myself and who I am. When you came in today and you showed me how happy you are being you…I just can’t describe how happy I suddenly felt too!

Year 9 Student, Torquay Academy

Christine Burns

I was delighted to receive the invitation to become a patron of Proud2Be. It strikes me as such an important project and I’ve been a supporter all the way. I feel confident they will continue doing good work.

Christine Burns

Aderonke Apata

It gladdens my heart to be asked to become a patron of Proud2Be. I am delighted to be part of the great work they are doing to raise the profile of LGBTIQ people in Devon.

Aderonke Apata

CN Lester

I’m thrilled to have been asked to become a patron of Proud2Be. Their 2015 Pride was a model of what LGBT+ community events should be – inclusive, intersectional, challenging, supportive and genuinely welcoming. Long may they continue.

CN Lester